Saturday 23 April 2016

SPONSORED POST; Episode 2 PlayGround Series

Ulayi The Political Playground:  Play Ground Series (Episode 2)

Welcome to episode 2 of my article series that focus on political developments in Ado local government, as it concern my country home Ulayi.

Ulayi is my community, a place I am proud of, in spite of her shortcoming which are not peculiar to her, I still want to be an Ulayi man. For 16years of PDP in power, I and my people remain supportive of the party and gave it our vote, our unallied support and undivided loyalty, it was like a one man one wife relationship, no infidelity no betrayal, not playing politics of selfish interest, yes politics is a game of interest, but for the interest of the Generality of the people or a section of it, as against selfish interest.
Ado local government, among the 23 LGA’s in Benue state seem to have a high sense of participant political culture and involvement, that zeal has led a large number of our youth and women population to be actively and aggressively involved in politics, sometimes I begin to wonder, could it be laziness? Or lack of job or enthusiasm that has made my people flood politics with such desperation? That engagement has infiltrated the political environment in Ado with so much bitterness, hatred, anger, and selfishness. What this has only fitched us as a people over the years is the emergence of strong men and women, strong men who bark at home and short-change their people, strong men who rather mortgage the future of their youth population than empowerment and development, some has little or no charisma or legitimacy.
I was lamenting about my people in ulayi and the political situation that we have been for 16yeras, and suddenly there was a break of a new down and all I could see and hear was change! Changi! Chengi!!!!!!! Everywhere, I took a deep breath and before I could say jack! APC was already flooded with members and the band wagon was filled to the brim, as I was visualizing myself in the new change environment that the APC’s sweet manifesto had proposed, suddenly my phone rang, who? It was my cousin, he had called to tell me of his decamping from PDP to APC and the new political direction he was proposing for the entire family and to sell to our people: It may interest you to know that I come from one of the largest extended family in Ulayi, sometimes I have to use a calculator to know the total number of my extended family relations. I was still talking about the conversation I had on the phone with my brother, I asked him a few question some of which he did not answer satisfactory & some he did, firstly, I asked him, will APC as a party give the people of Ulayi a better deal from what we’ve had in the past? Secondly, will this new party create the much needed enabling environment for the people of ulayi to produce their first ever Local Government Chairman, Commissioner or SA? As we are the only zone or district that have never been chairman of the Local Government either by election or appointment since the past 16years, that to me was one of the greatest sins of the PDP against our people. Thirdly I asked him, will APC have truthfull and trusted leaders who will tell the state government and indeed the entire world the truth that Ulayi community have limestone (cement) in large commercial quantity and not Igumale as it has been politically schemed to look? Finally I asked my brother will the political actors (strongmen) and the power that be In Ado desist from using Ulayi as a political playground for every dick and harry?
In the build up to the upcoming Local Council Election the state, if APC must toll the line of zoning, then justice, equity and fairness demands that Ulayi district as the only district in the whole of Ado Local Government that has never been chairman of the Local Government before, be given the opportunity to produce the next chairman of Ado Local Government by way of zoning, as well as other zones across the state, that way we can say change has come in that area of doing things, this is possibly one smart strategy for the PDP in Ado. 
Talking about change, I want to agree with a lot of people who think that change is still a campaign mantra in some or most of the APC states across Nigeria.
As I round up this episode of playground series, I want to, as an APC supporter and sympathizer, remind the political actors and the party stalwarts in Ado Local Government and the state at large, that neither Ado or Benue state as a whole can be authoritatively called an APC controlled state or Local Government, that means there are still a lot of work to be done and this can only be done strategically, creatively, smartly and most of all differently.

Episode 3 coming soon
Source: Ulayi Arise Network


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