Thursday 25 February 2016


Peejay Walter on runway
Comeon Odds and Casino Commercial
Peejay Walters is one of Nigeria’s finest Sweden based international fashion model, actor, fashion designer and a super runway modelling king. He is the CEO of Peejay  Intertainment and Peejay Walters fashion and clothing line. He is currently signed on to Sweden Modelling agency,, he was formerly signed to Life Modelling agency and Scandinavian Modelling agency in Sweden.
Camisano Win, Mister Italia 2013
 His first major breakthrough in the fashion and Modelling industry was in 2013 when he contested and won the fashion avenue show and became the face of IPERCITY 2014 and Mister Italia 2013 and also contested and won as Mr Camisano in the 2013 Mr Italy contest at city level. Peejay Walters got his first Billboard appearance in Italy in 2013 after the fashion avenue show.
 He has featured in several fashion shows including the Brentelle fashion show Padova Italy 2013, Nordstan fashion show Gothenburg in 2014 and 2015, and the Halmsted Red Cross fashion show in 2014. He is that handsome smart Dude in the COMEONE ODD Casino 2015 and 2016 TV commercial and FOODSAVER Sverige Commercial 2015.
“I would love to contribute to the fashion industry in Africa and Nigeria my country in particular if I am given a deal, it wasn’t easy starting off here in Europe, but here, once you are good and you have what it takes you will excel” – Peejay Walters
He is 6 feet tall with a 6 pack chest size of 98, shirt size medium, Shoe size 45. With features that is most sorted after in the industry.
Follow: Peejay Walters:
Instagram:  Iampeejaywalters

Jacup Ochulayi is Peejay walters African Business Manager
Twitter: @jacupzulu
Instagram: @jake
Mobile: 07065103981

Billboard Appearance
FOODSAVER Sverige Commercial 2015

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