Saturday 6 June 2020

NBM frowns at racial killing, Police brutality and Rape

NBM Of Africa Worldwild condemn rising cases of racial killing of blacks, Police brutality against unarmed civilians, Rape and other social injustice across the World -

(The case of George Floyd, Minnesota USA and Uwaila Omozuwa, Edo State Nigeria)*

The National leadership of the Neo Black Movement, (NBM) of Africa Worldwild,  strongly frowns at the rising cases of racial killings and racial profiling been brutally and systematically perpetuted on people of Black origin in present times globally, the cruel, barbaric and gruesome murder of George Floyd a 46years old Black man from Powderhorn, South of Downtown Minneapolis who was gruesomely murdered by Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin with the supervision of his colleagues at a helpless point where the victim was screaming "I can't breathe" and calling for help.

NBM of Africa and its leadership worldwide strongly condemns this killing of an unarmed black civilian men George Floyd and called on the relevant US Government agencies, State attorney and the leadership in Washington who have not adequately spoken out in clearer terms and have not carried out equal persecutorial measures against such racial crimes in accordance with the law.

As a Black oriented organization with over 40years of black solidarity, activism and struggle for black liberation, anchored on the principles of social justice, equal rights, justice and freedom for all people irrespective of race, colour or social orientation, the movement will not fold its arms and turn a blind eyes to social injustice and oppression or abuse of human rights, rape. "it is even more disheartening that the same institution of the state that is saddled with the responsibility of protecting human lives are the same ones taking black lives in such a gruesome manner"
Chief Engr Felix Kupa National president of NBM of Africa Worldwild noted that all humans are born with same colour of blood in their vain and as such their skin colour should not matter he said.

The organization says it acknowledges the role of other Black oriented organizations Like the Black Lives Matter who have stood up as early responders to call for Justice for George Floyd by organizing protests, radical social disobedience and advocacy, that the US as a model of democracy, human rights and freedom, is expected to live up to its responsibility and above racial divides and racial profiling to serve as a global leading light.

On Uwaila Omozuwa a 22years old 100 level student of University of Benin, Edo State Nigeria, Uwa was attacked and raped by said to be unknowned men at a Redeemed Christian Church, Edo State, this gruesomeness and injustice is many too glaring to be left unjustified, Kupa said.

The organization also used the occasion to call on the inspector General of Police who is the sole custodian of protecting lives and property in the country to ensure that the perpetuators are apprehended and justice adequately served. "We can not live in a society where citizens can just be easily molested, abused or murdered in broad daylight".

Kupa also called on the Federal Ministry of Justice, the Edo state government, civil society organizations, right groups and all well meaning lovers of a peaceful and Just society to stand up for justice in this peculiar case of Uwa, and also stand that Justice is served whenever there's an act of social injustice or murder in any part of the country he said.

The organization went further to offers its condolences to the families of George Floyd,  the Black community worldwide and the family of Uwaila Omozuwa on the death of their loved one, and called for a global condemnation against racial killing and social injustice globally.

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