Thursday 7 November 2019


- Osun state command of Nigeria Police traffic unit received a moral booster from- NBM of Africa as part of their community development initiative.

The Osun Zonal structure of the Neo Black Movement of Africa Worldwide, NBM of Africa have donated some iron shelter traffic protector to the Nigerian Police Osun state command, and the area command Ilesha, this is part of the organizations corporate social responsibility and core objectives, to reach out to the society through the needy and also partner with government and other civil society organizations towards sustainable development.

The Osun zonal head of the movement Mr Famokun Akindele said " This will go a long way in providing shelter to the traffic officers while carrying out their duties" he also noted that this kind of humanitarian effort is not new to the movement, that the organization the Neo Black movement of Africa, otherwise known as NBM of Africa also makes collaborative efforts at different levels which is aimed at promoting peace and a more secured society. The Osun state Police Public relations officer while receiving the items noted that this will be a moral booster to the men and do appreciate the organization for embarking on such loudable initiative.

In another related story, NBM of Africa Worldwide has issued a disclaimer through its digital and social media unit #TeamNBM i.e the poor misconceptions amongst lazy bloggers and media outfits who ignorantly refers to NBM of Africa using other names  to promote their poor journalism, particularly one recently published by one Linda ikeji blog, The organization after due consultation with its legal unit, will be advised on the most appropriate legal action to take, which it says will serve as a deterrent to such other blogs.

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