Sunday 29 December 2019


A short Op-ed by: Jacup Ochulayi 

for: InfoTimes blog

29th Dec 2019 

If government is truly about the welfare of the people, then Hon (Dr). Francis Ottah has done something noble and unprecedented in the history of Enone geopolitical legislative governance and representation, through a non-partisan selection of over 600 six hundred of the poorest orphans and widows from his constituency, Ado, Okpokwu, Ogbadibo federal constituency of Benue state, to benefit from his accumulated 10 million naira of statutory salary which he had promised to relinquish to be made available to orphans and widows from his constituency, a promise he made during his inauguration into the house of representatives on June the 11th 2019 and went further to match words with action by setting up an eleven man committee to oversee the disbursement.

 Hon Francis Ottah is by portfolio the chairman house of representative committee on drugs and narcotics as well as his membership of other critical and tasking committees in the green chamber, including house committee on Niger Delta Development Commission NDDC, committee on Nigerian Navy, FRSC, FCT area council and ancillary matters, committee on civil society and development partners. 

Unarguably, one of the most obvious socioeconomic inequality that exist amongst Nigerian society and has turned a subject of several conversations and debates over the years, is the huge income gap between the political class and other sections and demographics of Nigerian income earners, particularly the Jumbo salaries and allowances been paid to National assembly members and other government officials both elected and appointed, even as juicy and attractive as such salaries may be, this distinguished Honorable Member in his humanitarian benevolence, has acted in an unprecedented manner to donate his accumulated four years salary for the welfare of the needy, particularly the poorest orphans and widows in his federal constituency, this followed closely the massive distribution of high yield vitamin A cassava sterm to farmers from his constituency in the last planting season, in a bid to enhance food productivity and bumper harvest.

 The first batch of this empowerment program is targeted at over 600 beneficiaries, according to a release from his media office by his Special assistant on media Mr Samson Otokpa, this and several other laudable millstones that the law maker has attained so far in his short time in office representing the good people of Ado, Okpokwu, Ogbadibo federal constituency of Benue state, one of the largest federal constituencies in the house of representative. 

Hon. (Dr). Francis Ottah Agbo

 Hon Francis Ottah widely known as the feedback law maker and also known by his self-coined political mantra the liberator, he is also known for his humanitarian deeds, accessibility, vocals and a radical approach to problem solving, also with a rich knowledge and experience in public service.

 The impact of this monetary empowerment on the economic survival and sustainability of the beneficiaries will be far reaching and cannot be overemphasized, to the effect that it is capable of sustaining some of them in petty trading and farming for family consumption and subsistence, there is also the feeling of sense of belonging in governance and reaping the dividends of democracy among others.

 As chairman house committee on drugs and narcotics, on the floor of the house, Hon. Ottah had in recent times vigorously drown the federal government's attention to how understaffed and poorly funded the NDLEA has been operating, this has recently re-energized and strengthened the governments commitment towards achieving the ongoing recruitment into the agency. This distinguished Honorable member is changing the tied with his open door policy and feedback mechanism of governance. 

The event is scheduled to hold on 30th December 2019 in Okpoga the Okpokwu local government secretariate with His Excellency Governor Samuel Ortom as Chief Host, Sen. David Mark as Father of the Day, Sen. Abba Moro as Chairman of the Occasion and PDP Chairman for Benue State, Hon. John Ngbede as Chief Special Guest of Honour as well as other stakeholders and traditional rulers as guests.

End of part one!

This piece is an opinion of the writer and not the views of this blog. 

Thursday 7 November 2019


- Osun state command of Nigeria Police traffic unit received a moral booster from- NBM of Africa as part of their community development initiative.

The Osun Zonal structure of the Neo Black Movement of Africa Worldwide, NBM of Africa have donated some iron shelter traffic protector to the Nigerian Police Osun state command, and the area command Ilesha, this is part of the organizations corporate social responsibility and core objectives, to reach out to the society through the needy and also partner with government and other civil society organizations towards sustainable development.

The Osun zonal head of the movement Mr Famokun Akindele said " This will go a long way in providing shelter to the traffic officers while carrying out their duties" he also noted that this kind of humanitarian effort is not new to the movement, that the organization the Neo Black movement of Africa, otherwise known as NBM of Africa also makes collaborative efforts at different levels which is aimed at promoting peace and a more secured society. The Osun state Police Public relations officer while receiving the items noted that this will be a moral booster to the men and do appreciate the organization for embarking on such loudable initiative.

In another related story, NBM of Africa Worldwide has issued a disclaimer through its digital and social media unit #TeamNBM i.e the poor misconceptions amongst lazy bloggers and media outfits who ignorantly refers to NBM of Africa using other names  to promote their poor journalism, particularly one recently published by one Linda ikeji blog, The organization after due consultation with its legal unit, will be advised on the most appropriate legal action to take, which it says will serve as a deterrent to such other blogs.

Sunday 5 May 2019


Dr Silvanus Itodo MON Chief-convener Idoma for Development initiative

DATE: 5th May 4, 2019

“Comrade Abba Patrick Moro Senator – Elect Benue zone C is an illustrious and God sent son of Idoma land and should be given the full support and leverage to excel in the task of taking zone C and the entire Idoma nation on the path of high-speed grass root development that is people-oriented and people-Centered, which the people have long desired”
As a Pro Idoma and a grass root development advocacy civil society organization, we have become more concerned about continued unwarranted and unnecessary efforts by political and non political actors and gladiators to keep dragging Senator-Elect Comrade Abba Moro on with court litigations that are baseless, unfounded and unimaginable”
In a press release signed by Dr Silvanus Itodo, Chief-convener Idoma for Development initiative AKA (IDOMA4DEV – INITIATIVE) a civil society and grass-root development advocacy organization based in Abuja,
Dr Itodo strongly noted that Com. Moro’s past antecedents, political track records and pragmatic leadership, matched with his deep rooted connection and human relationship with the people of zone C was his biggest litmus test and base of assessment upon which he was voted massively by the Idoma people and won the zone C Senatorial seat in the just concluded general election.

Dr Itodo further added that while Senator-elect Comrade Abba Moro awaits to be sworn-in in June at the inauguration of the 9th National Assembly, it poses as a great disservice to the people of Zone C if actors within the Zone C political arena do not relieve Com. Moro of all unnecessary and unwarranted court litigation, so as to enable him start on a focused note without distractions, the journey of consolidating and reinvigorating the Idoma development agenda, It is an agenda that is dear to us and our people and we cannot sacrifice it on the altar of politics, politics of staying in court just to maintain relevance, politics of staying afloat on the political scene.

The University Don went on to say “it is an obvious fact that elections are over and the actual business of governance should commence in Ernst, it is equally of no doubt that Comrade Abba Moro has been given a divine mandate from God, which will give him the privilege to seat among the 109 senators at the upper legislative chamber to represent the idoma people, and it is only in the person of Comrade Moro at this time, that the people of zone C can be assured of enjoying the true dividends of democracy that they truly desire, by way of bill and legislation that will bring about meaningful development and lead to the provision of critical social amenities that will touch the lives of our people down to the poorest of the poor even at the grass root.

As an organization we make bold to say that no amount of court litigation will stop Com Abba Moro from achieving this agenda of moving the idoma people to a higher echelon of development, where were they when Comrade Abba Moro used the slim opportunity given to him as minister of interior to prove himself to be a lover of his people by giving massive employment to idoma sons and daughters in Para-Military agencies of the government? Have we not had ministers in the past? Now we have a minister that cannot influence even a clerical job for our teeming unemployed youths.

It is worthy of note that we the idomas have over 240 professors both home and abroad, go to every higher institution today and see how idoma sons and daughters are roaming about the place seeking for admission, and we can’t have our own Apa university , no cortege industry, no usable roads, what are our leaders doing? What did the past leaders do?
Dr Itodo asked, let them be reminded that soon the youths will revolt against them, we the idomas God has blessed us, we had deputy Governor for 8 years, we have the minister of Agriculture, we have self-acclaimed money bags, but the question is! How many idomas have been empowered? They should tell us!
Idoma for development initiative through its Chief Convener, Dr Silvanus Itodo (MON) Ojuwa K’ Idoma, is calling on all idoma sons and daughters through this press release most especially the key actors and particularly the contestants of the Zone C Senate that are in court, even as they all may have fought a good fight , it is thus time to shield their sword by withdrawing all election litigation against Comrade Abba Moro for the sake of the development of idoma land, RT Hon. Joe Ojobo, Chief Steven Lawani, Alhaji Usman Abubakar, they should put on the spirit of sportsmanship and join hands with him and the rest of idomas as stakeholders and partners in the project of developing our land and empowering our youths for the overall good of the idoma people.
This is a Compilation from a Media Chat with,
Dr Silvanus Itodo MON, IPAN, NPSA
Ojuwa K’Idoma
Chief Convener Idoma for Development Initiative
Lecturer Nasarawa State University, Keffi