Wednesday 2 July 2014

Oscar Pistorius 'suicide risk' - psychologist's report

Day 33 of the Oscar Pistorius trial - in 60 seconds
Oscar Pistorius has post-traumatic stress disorder and could be a suicide risk, according to a psychologist's report submitted at his murder trial.
The report, read by his defence lawyer, said he was mourning his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.
On Monday, the court heard that he was not suffering from a mental disorder when he shot Ms Steenkamp.
He denies murder, saying he killed her by mistake when fearing there was an intruder in the house.
The prosecution says the Olympic athlete deliberately killed Ms Steenkamp, a model and law graduate, after the couple had an argument.
Oscar Pistorius in court (02/07) Oscar Pistorius was on Tuesday described as an "astute businessman"
Both prosecution and defence have accepted the findings of the psychologist's report. The BBC's Andrew Harding, who was in court, notes that both sides can interpret its findings favourably.
Two reports - one by a psychologist and another by three psychiatrists - were drawn up after a month of tests to evaluate the athlete's state of mind.
The prosecution on Monday noted that the psychiatrists' report said Mr Pistorius, 27, was capable of distinguishing between right and wrong and so should bear criminal responsibility for his actions.
At the scene: Pumza Fihlani, BBC News, Pretoria Another defence witness has described Oscar Pistorius as anxious and vulnerable. Professor Wayne Derman, who has known the athlete and treated him for six years testified about his "exaggerated response" when in uncomfortable situations - the "fight or flight" response.
With the case coming to an end, two reports were pitted against each other, with each side quoting favourable excerpts.
A report by a psychologist in the panel found that Mr Pistorius showed no signs of an explosive temper, narcissism or abusive behaviour, while a report by the three psychiatrists concluded that he could distinguish right from wrong.
Both, however, agreed that he did not suffer from Generalised Anxiety Disorder, discrediting the testimony of a previous defence expert, which had led to the month-long, court-ordered evaluation.
How is PTSD diagnosed?
Defence lawyer Barry Roux on Wednesday quoted the second evaluation as saying that Mr Pistorius, a double-amputee, has a history of feeling insecure and vulnerable, especially without his prosthetic legs.
It said he was likely to react more sharply to fear than an able-bodied person would.
"Should he not receive proper clinical care, his condition is likely to worsen and increase the risks for suicide," Mr Roux quoted the report as saying.
It also said he did not show signs of narcissism or explosive rage, which is usually seen in men who are abusive to their partners.
The court has previously heard that Ms Steenkamp had sent the athlete a message saying: "I'm scared of you sometimes."
File photo: Oscar Pistorius (right) and his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp pose for a picture in Johannesburg, 7 February 2013 Mr Pistorius says he mistook his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp for an intruder
Oscar Pistorius in court (30/06) Members of both the Pistorius and Steenkamp families have been closely following court proceedings
Final defence witness Wayne Derman, professor of sports and exercise medicine at the University of Cape Town, said Mr Pistorius was an anxious individual, with hand tremors and chronic problems with the stumps of his legs.
Earlier, Mr Pistorius' manager was cross-examined, with prosecutor Gerrie Nel concentrating on the sprinter's reported rows with roommate Arnu Fourie and his love life.
On Tuesday, Peet van Zyl said Mr Pistorius had become a "global icon" at the 2012 London Olympics and could have increased his income five or six times.
He competed in both the Paralympic and Olympic games.
Mr van Zyl said the athlete was also an "astute businessman" and there were a lot of opportunities for him because of his raised profile.
Our correspondent says that as he sat in the dock, Mr Pistorius must surely have contemplated the future outlined by Mr van Zyl - a future now utterly transformed.

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