Friday 21 May 2021

Redefinition of the World & the Pursuit of Purpose


By: Michael Anthony

The world has never been this unstable, unpredictable and fast, changes and evolution that will naturally take a decade or more happened in under a year! #2020. Technology changes on a daily basis, literally!

Life, as we know it is, has been redefined and still is, from career to relationships, to education, religion, sexuality, currency, politics, health, you name it. It's all been redefined.

Man has never had so many options, content, resources and distractions all at the same time. It is indeed the best & the worse time. It has never been so easy to lose your way and go with the trend (which no one can hardly keep up with, well maybe some), nor has it ever been this easy to discover your path.

Every part of the globe you look at there seems to be chaos and a global failure of leadership, from Nigeria to the USA, from Isreal to Palestine, India, the UK, South America, Europe.

BUT GUESS WHAT...have you noticed that regardless of how much the world is changing, regardless of the pandemic, regardless of war, of terrorism, regardless of technology, of electric cars, of cryptocurrency, same-day delivery, amazon, artificial intelligence, of all that is evolving around us, regardless of ALL of that...plants still grow, the sun still shines like always, birds keep flying, fish keep swimming, bees still pollinate, stars still shine, rain keeps falling, and mosquitoes still bite... WHY? & HOW? because their #purpose is defined, understood and they are all working in it, regardless of how much the world changes, it never changes them. Nature is the paramount example of #purpose, the maker made sure of that. 

Until you understand your #purpose, changes will change you.

There has never been a more important time in our lives to live a life of #purpose

Your #purpose is the one thing that can protect you from ALL the changes in the world, changes and fluctuation in life will only reaffirm and strengthen your purpose if you are living in it. Your #purpose is what motivates you to achieve greatness when you perhaps are doubting yourself, are facing adversity, not sure what direction your country or the world is headed, or you simply want to take your life to the next level. 

#purpose is the #only thing that can truly separate you, protect you, provide for you, create an impact and completely fulfil you all at the same time, cause you are playing the role you were designed to play, just like the sun or the fish.

So until you understand your #purpose, and the #potential inside you to fulfil it as well its guiding #principles, the massive changes in the world will overtake you and you will never be truly fulfilled and successful.

So pursue #purpose over everything.

I am here to walk with you on that journey as I take the journey myself.

And always remember, you are special, there is no one like you, there has never been one like you, there never will be one like you.



Thursday 20 May 2021

NBMA and FCCPC Signed MOU on Regulation of GMOs

The National Biosafety Management Agency, (NBMA) signed a memorandum of understanding with the Federal Competition and consumer protection Commission (FCCPC)Nig .

The essence of the MoU is for collaboration in other to ensure that consumers are protected from unapproved Genetically modified organisms GMOs 

The DG/CEO Dr. Rufus Ebegba said the MoU is key as both agencies have the responsibility to ensure that Nigerians are safe from unapproved GMOs, hence both agencies should have a synergy in ensuring that our mandates are achieved and Nigerians are safe. 

This is in furtherance to serval other efforts by the National Biosafety Management Agency at providing safety for Nigerians in what they consume, through regulation of GMOs or any harmful food substances. 

Thursday 7 January 2021


 Abuja Report! 

By: Jacob Ochulayi 

In a bid to support crime fighting, community policing and partner with the Nigerian Police to carry out its statutory responsibilities, Chief (Dr). Rufus Ebegba, D.G and CEO National Biosafety Management Agency, intervened by purchasing a direct Belgium Toyota Hilux Engine, worth about 1.6 million naira, for Jikwoyi Police Division under FCT Police command, to serve one of its Patrol vehicles, this is due continues outcry for patrol vehicle from the Police Division and residents of the community. 

Having been impressed with the installation of the vehicle engine, Dr. Ebegba went further to provide additional funds of about N250,000 naira to refurbish the Police Van which is now wearing a new look, and has since been helping to provide Police patrol to Jikwoyi Police division and its environs. 

Dr Rufus Ebegba is also the head  of the Police Community Relations Committee (PCRC), Karu unit and a great friend of the Police. 

He is also very much involved in community building efforts and youth development, during the Yuletide season, so many families, women and youth groups and stakeholders within his immediate community within Karu, Jikwoyi received bags of rice, cooking oil, cash gift and numerous philanthropic deeds, for him, it is all about welfare of the people.